Did You know that... We have just created a new last, which combine wide sole comfort with typical Italian style tapered line. Last 099: https://www.cesarebaroli.it/forma/
Did You know that our shoes may have an ecologic aspect? Our shoes are made for long lasting: we produce them using great quality, traceable materials and they are made...
Did you know that Alligator and Crocodile are extremely different? This is referred to their skin. There are a few important differences between crocodile and alligator skins: Main difference between...
There are many pieces composing a shoe, many of which could not be seen from the outer part of it. The picture aside shows a shoe section where all layers...
There are quite many styles of lacing. From a mathematical point of view there could be more than 2 million combination to let a lace passes through the six eyelets...
Proper shoe care is the secret for shoe long lasting. When polishing shoes it is important to spread polish and to wipe also the rim of the shoe and the...